I am the queen of procrastination. I can nit pick something I have created until there is nothing left or I have deemed it unworthy of sharing. I can think of a million reasons why I haven't completed a task or gotten around to to doing something. I am guilty of finding ways of getting out of doing something. I would tell myself I am not good enough. I'd talk myself out of it before anything ever began.But all these things really would only be pointing to one thing and one thing only. FEAR. One of the biggest game-changing quotes I have come upon recently is this: "If you can't beat FEAR...do it SCARED" That has been huge for me. If I wait until the doubt or fear subside, I may never act. Then my dreams stay dreams. But if I do the thing...even if I am still full of doubt and fear, that's ok,but go ahead and do it...scared and all. Fear is a reaction,Courage is doing it in spite of the fear.